Guilt. Most of us feel it often, but when does it lead to feeling guilty over the wrong things?
I decided to make a list of things that we need to stop feeling guilty for.
Here goes.
Spending The Day In Bed When You Can’t Face The World
Sometimes spending the day in bed when you can’t face the world is exactly what you need to do to get by. And that’s okay. There is no right way to look after yourself, do what works for you. I’m not talking about this being every single day, but sometimes hiding under the covers feels like the safest place in the world.
Binge-Watching Netflix All Day Long
Like above, doing what you need to do as part of your self-care is completely okay and completely valid. Everyone does self-care differently, whether that’s going for a walk, drinking lots of water or having a bath with a face mask on. Do what you need to do to get by.
Taking A Mental Health Day From Work
Mental health is just as important as physical health. Please don’t feel scared or embarrassed to ask your boss for a sick day, and actually explaining it’s for mental health reasons rather than making up a physical health excuse.
Not Answering Messages Straight Away
Being inundated with messages can be overwhelming, and sometimes we all need to step away from our phones. If the people in your life are really good for you, they will understand.
Taking Some Time Out For Yourself
Take all the time you need! You deserve self-love just as much as anyone else.
Taking A Social Media Break
Taking a break from social media is only ever a good thing. It can be anxiety-inducing and you can end up doom scrolling for hours. Sometimes we feel like we have to check social media due to FOMO and feeling like you have to keep up with everyone else. But it’s okay to take a step back. You don’t owe anyone anything.
Cancelling Plans
Sometimes we make plans because we fancy doing something at the time. Sometimes we make plans because we feel like we have to, and we want to force ourselves to get out of the house. Sometimes we need to cancel because we feel too anxious to walk out of the door. Please don’t feel guilty for not doing something that you’re not ready to do. You can always have indoor plans. It’s all about baby steps.
Taking Medication For Your Mental Health
There is nothing wrong with taking medication for your mental health and I’m tired of the negative comments around it. It’s a completely valid and acceptable way to manage an illness. And most importantly, it’s YOUR choice.
Cutting Off Toxic Family Members
People can be afraid to cut off toxic family members because they’re family. But what good are they doing for you mentally? If cutting them off means increasing your happiness, do it, and don’t look back.
Ending Long-Term Friendships
It’s sad but sometimes necessary. It doesn’t mean you don’t still have fond memories, but when something isn’t right, it might just come to an end. And that’s not your fault.
Leaving Unhappy Relationships
You deserve love and happiness, respect and support.
Leaving.a Happy Relationship
This one is an important one to note – sometimes it can be right person, wrong time. Sometimes you just realise you would prefer for it to just be you. Don’t feel guilty about doing what is right for you.
Standing Up For Yourself
Do it again and again. And don’t look back!
Making Personal Choices For Yourself
Don’t feel guilty about putting the best choices for yourself first. Happiness is not selfish.
Saying ‘No’ And Standing Your Ground
Please never, ever, ever, feel guilty for saying no.
Reaching Out For Help
Reaching out for help is brave. It shows great strength, and you should be proud of this.
Putting Yourself First
Put yourself first always. Remember that you are deserving of happiness, so make choices based on your needs and don’t do things just to make other people happy if they don’t make you happy. Putting yourself first shows a great deal of self-love, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for loving and believing in yourself.