February’s Cosmic Mantras: How to look after your mental wellbeing

Happy Aquarius season, fellow stargazers! With no less than five planets currently transiting through the sign of the water-bearer, everything around us is changing rapidly. As Mercury just began yet another retrograde journey, buttons will be pushed, boundaries will be blurred and our trust in the universe – and ourselves – will be challenged. For these reasons, and for all that 2020 taught us, it is more important now than ever to lean on the tools and practices that keep us grounded. Aquarius energy doesn’t know subtlety and as it asks us to break free from the boxes that keep us small, we will have no choice but to listen. Even Saturn, who has now joined the Aquarian party, is encouraging us to step up and commit wholeheartedly to our freedom and to dedicate as much attention as possible to our personal growth. This of course if all for the better, though it may not always feel like it. This is a time to hold space for what’s to come, to nurture the new ideas and projects we have been itching to bring to life and to give ourselves the means to go on our own way, at long last. As the energies get louder and we get caught up into the ecstatic momentum Aquarius brings, hearing our own intuition will get harder and harder which is why continually coming back to our center, in whatever way resonates with us at the time, is of the essence. The New Moon on February 11 will be the perfect opportunity to carefully chose the battle we are willing to fight, while a Full Moon in Virgo on February 27 will invite us to take a breather and ensure that the boundaries that keep us safe are well and truly set in stone. And if not, the beginning of Pisces season on February 18 will teach us just how important self-care really is.

Aquarius may be a symbol of freedom, but it is also the embodiment of community. In these strange times of isolation, it reminds us that we can come together in more ways than one and that we are never truly alone. Perhaps most importantly, it teaches us that what makes us different doesn’t set us apart. It’s what makes us beautifully human, together. 

Photo by Frank Cone from Pexels


You don’t need anyone to tell you who you are, bright Aries. Your strong sense of self makes one hell of an example for the rest of the zodiac and gives you the strength to always go after what you want. But who are you bringing along for the journey? This month, it’s time for you to focus on the people around you, those you want by your side on your way to the top. Nurture the connections that matter with all your heart, for they are a part of you, too. 


You are a gentle soul who doesn’t do well with change, sweet Taurus. And yet, this increasingly fast-moving world is constantly challenging the goals you have set for yourself. It’s time, now more than ever, to remember what your true purpose is. Silence the noise around you and focus on that little voice that knows exactly where you belong. The universe may want you to be flexible, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for anything less than what you want. 


You’re never short of a bright idea, dearest Gemini. Your busy mind often leads you to live an equally busy life and though there is no greater teacher than experience, it can distract you from your true calling. This month, it’s time for you to get quiet, focus on your higher truth and commit to it without looking back. Don’t let the fear of missing out or the anxiety that comes with commitment sidetrack you from what standing right in front of you.


As the nurturer of the zodiac, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for those you love, sweet Cancer. This month however, it’s time for you to acknowledge your own desires and to ask for what you need, even if that means saying no every now and then. Let go of the fear of not doing enough, not being enough, and embrace all that you are unapologetically. And when in doubt, remember that when one door closes, another opens.


You are an unstoppable force of nature who was born to lead, dearest Leo. Your charismatic nature and magnetic personality draw people to you like bees to flowers. This month however, it’s time for you to focus on the relationships that matter and to put in the work to make them last. Meeting people halfway won’t slow you down on your course, it will only lead you much farther down the line. Teamwork makes the dream work, sweet Leo!


When it comes to being productive, the rest of the zodiac could take a page from your precious book, dear Virgo. Your many to-do lists are an extension of your brilliant mind and you arrange your days carefully so as to not waste any time. This month however, you will come to learn that your body has an agenda of its own and that sometimes it simply cannot keep up with your ambitious schedule. Trust that more often than not, resting is the most productive thing you can do. 


No one knows how to hold space for others’ needs, well-being and desires like you do, gentle Libra. This month, it’s time for you to focus entirely on what you want in order to forge your own path. You have settled one time too many and nothing can stand in your way to joy now. Learn to silence the noise and follow your heart fearlessly, and trust that those who love you will stand by you when you do.  


You were never one to be afraid of deep waters, bright Scorpio, and yet even you can learn a thing or two about surrender. Your unwavering will make it difficult for you to let go of the control you hold so dear. It’s time for you to make peace with the chaos that keeps knocking on your door and to focus on finding your center. What keeps you steady amidst the storm? Who, or what makes you feel safe when nothing else does? Find it and hold on to it. Nothing will be able to throw you off course once you do. 


You believe that every cloud has a silver lining and more often than not, it does. And yet, you often fail to follow your intuition and to speak up about the things that don’t feel quite right to you. You are wiser than most, which is why you must speak your truth and keep everyone accountable for their actions, even if that means ruffling a few feathers. Say what you mean and mean what you say, brave Sagittarius. Make them listen. 


You work harder than most, dearest Capricorn, and though your impeccable work ethic is mostly to blame for your perfectionist manner, you also happen to have good tastes and enjoy being able to afford whatever your heart desires. This month, it’s time for you to take a long, hard look at your relationship with money and to mindfully separate yourself from the material manifestation of your efforts. You are so much more than what you earn, don’t let it blind you and keep you from seeing where your true value lies. 


Happy birthday, bright Aquarius! If this year feels like your year, it’s because it is. As the world finally enters the Aquarian Age, you have well and truly become the poster child for individual growth and freedom. It is your duty to show the rest of the zodiac why our free-will is our greatest gift, and how empowering it is to be ourselves completely, even when that means going against the tide. It’s time for you to do what you do best – be free.   


You don’t like being alone much, gentle Pisces, but with your Solar Return just around the corner it’s time for you to get quiet. Take some time for yourself, by yourself, to reflect on what the past year taught you so that you may embrace what is yet to come wholeheartedly. And when you feel lonely, remember that all you seek is already there, within.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
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