Showering and bathing is good for hygiene and health.
But when you’re in a period of depression, jumping in the shower may feel impossible. When you’re dealing with depression-related fatigue, no motivation and no energy, showering can be the hardest thing to do in the world.
Not washing can also make you feel ashamed and guilty. Though you absolutely shouldn’t. Depression is absolutely devastating to live with, and you should be proud just to get out of bed and open the curtains in the morning.
But if showering is something you’re desperately trying to find the motivation to do, we’ve put a helpful guide together.
But just before you read it, we want you to know that you absolutely will get through this. You’ve got this. And if perhaps showering is just too much for you today, there’s always tomorrow.
Here’s some ideas for if you’re ready to get in the shower.
Buy Some Nice Shower Gel
Buy a shower gel that makes you smell amazing and that you will be excited to use.
When you are in the shower try to focus on the scent of the soap and the feeling of it on your skin.
Have A Bath
If you don’t like standing in the shower, try having a bath, use soaps or bath bombs that make you feel happy and calm.
If you don’t have a bath, you could try using shower bombs. I have found these a really nice alternative as I can really focus on breaking up the shower bomb, and the foamy soap is so soft on my skin.
Set It As One Goal To Yourself That You Really Want To Achieve
Managing to get up and go for a shower is a big accomplishment. Set it as your one goal for the day and treat yourself when you have done it.
Dry Shampoo
Washing your hair can be exhausting, it takes a lot of time and energy especially when you are feeling unwell or low.
I dry shampoo it all the time and it makes my hair look and smell like a day one wash, and I don’t even have to get out of my pyjamas.
Put On Your Favourite Music Or TV Show
If you want something a distraction could play some music, watch a tv show, or listen to a podcast while you shower. This can help divert your mind and give you the chance to catch up on something you enjoy.
If You Don’t Have The Energy To Shower, Try Using Some Baby Wipes
When things are particularly tough, baby wipes are a great way to get fresh quickly.
You are not alone in this and you shouldn’t feel ashamed.
Whatever steps you manage to do, remember it’s a great achievement.